© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Schneeschuwandern im Mühlviertel in der Nähe von Bad Zell.

MTB - Anlaufalm (über den Hintergebirgsradweg)

  • Possible accommodation

 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4462 Reichraming
Destination: 4462 Reichraming

duration: 6h 4m
length: 51,2 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 752m
Altitude difference (downhill): 773m

Lowest point: 350m
Highest point: 983m
difficulty: medium
condition: medium
panoramic view: Dreamtour

Paths covering:
Asphalt, Path / trail, Gravel, Hiking trail, Other

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Short description:
A mountain bike tour that leads through the gorges of the forest and water-rich Hintergebirge to the Anlaufalm Via Brunnbach it's back to Reichraming.

Recommended season:
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October

  • Round trip

Beautiful view from the alp to the Größtenberg and the Gesäuse mountains. 

Start in Reichraming (348 m) at the square in front of the Amtshaus. Follow the Reichramingbach stream into the valley until you reach the "Anzenbachschranken", continue on the Hintergebirgsradweg trail until you reach the former Mairalm (km 7.87), turn right and ride past a hut into the valley of the Große Bach stream. Past the MTB junction "Wilder Graben", which leads to the Ebenforstalm, you pass through two tunnels. After 13.5 km you reach the Große Klause and the hospitable Klaushütte. Passing the junction of the MTB route in the direction of "Brunnbach", you continue cycling through the valley of the Große Bach to the Annerlsteg rest area (km 17). Here you could explore the Triftsteig. Unmiitelbar then over a bridge and through three up to 340 m long, partly illuminated tunnels (in between glimpses of the Great Gorge). After the third tunnel turn left. Over the bridge, through another tunnel and over the Black Stream you reach the Veil Falls. The next kilometer is followed by three shorter tunnels before you reach the mouth of the Saigerin (km 21) immediately after a barrier. There turn left to Weißwasser and after about 300 m turn sharply left and pedal up the up to 15% steep forest road. Pass the abandoned Aschaueralm and at km 24.3 turn sharp left. Continue uphill and around the Sonnberg. After 1.5 km turn right, after 1 km straight over the crossing. After a barrier you reach the destination and turning point of this tour via the meadows of the Anlaufbodenalm (982 m). Return along the same route, but after 3.43 km turn left uphill towards Hirschkogelsattel (information board). Here turn left downhill and ignore all junctions, always straight ahead to Brunnbach. At the junction in Brunnbach turn left into the Plaißagraben. After 330 m, at the fork, turn right up to Brennhöhe. (You can avoid this climb if you go back in the valley to Reichraming). Descent to Anzenbach and then right back to Reichraming.

Enjoy wonderful natural bathing places along the Reichramingbach. 

Safety guidelines:
Inquire in advance about any road or trail closures along the route.

Sun and rain protection, repair kid for minor bike breakdowns

Additional information:
You can obtain map material at www.steyr-nationalpark.at
Starting point: Reichraming
Destination: Reichraming

further information:
  • Possible accommodation

details mountainbike
  • Riding technique: easy
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Suitable for teenagers
  • Suitable for seniors
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for friends
  • Suitable for couples
Most economical season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.

MTB - Anlaufalm (über den Hintergebirgsradweg)
Tourismusverband Steyr und die Nationalpark Region
Stadtplatz 27
4400 Steyr

Phone +43 7252 53229 - 0
E-Mail reichraming@steyr-nationalpark.at
Web www.steyr-nationalpark.at/

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 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4462 Reichraming
Destination: 4462 Reichraming

duration: 6h 4m
length: 51,2 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 752m
Altitude difference (downhill): 773m

Lowest point: 350m
Highest point: 983m
difficulty: medium
condition: medium
panoramic view: Dreamtour

Paths covering:
Asphalt, Path / trail, Gravel, Hiking trail, Other

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