© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Eine Gruppe sitzt bei der Teamarbeit an einem Tisch
Eine Gruppe sitzt bei der Teamarbeit an einem Tisch
Eine Gruppe sitzt bei der Teamarbeit an einem Tisch

Conference locations in Upper Austria

© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus Linz Tourismus/Robert Josipovic: Die Abendstimmung am Donauufer genießen mit Blick auf das Ars Electronica Center und den Pöstlingberg.
Zwei Frauen stehen in der Abenddämmerung am Donauufer und blicken Richtung Urfahr, vor ihnen am gegenüberliegenden Donauufer ist das beleuchtete Ars Electronica Center zu sehen.
Conferences in the city.

Space for ideas

Conferences in the city.

Space for ideas

Whether forward-looking technology or inspiring tradition - the spirit of innovation blows here. Upper Austria's urban conference centres combine optimal accessibility and a vibrant cultural and gastronomic scene with Upper Austrian hospitality.

Urban meetings
© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Eine Frau arbeitet mit ihrem Notebook auf einer Terrasse am See
Eine Frau arbeitet mit ihrem Notebook auf einer Terrasse am See
Conferences at the water

Where inspiration flows

Conferences at the water

Where inspiration flows

From a seminar in the impressive lake landscape of the Salzkammergut to unique views of the Danube and an elegant gala evening on a boat - Upper Austria's seminar venues by the river and lake allow your thoughts to flow freely and open up new perspectives.

New shores
© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Den Weitblick durch die hügelige Landschaft des Mühlviertels genießen.
Eine Frau im Sommerkleid steht mit Rücken zum Betrachter in einer grünen Wiese und blickt in die Weite der Mühlviertler Hügellandschaft. Im Hintergrund Wald, Wiesen und sanfte Hügel.
Meetings in the countryside

Where thoughts take wings

Meetings in the countryside

Where thoughts take wings

The green surroundings in nature stimulate us mentally. Unconsciously and effortlessly. The perfect place for seminars and workshops. It's a good thing that there are countless opportunities for this in Upper Austria. Whether in the national park, at the foot of a mountain or with a view over the hills of our province - the choice is yours.

Meet in the green
© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus Gmbh/Robert Maybach: Kneipp-Erfrischung mit Wasser im Kurpark beim Kurhaus Schärding der Barmherzigen Brüder.
Eine Frau läuft durch den Schärdinger Kurpark während sie von hinten von einer Kneipp-Therapeutin des Kurhauses Schärding der Barmherzigen Brüder aus einem Schlauch mit Wasser bespritzt wird.
Invigorating locations

Where energy and ideas bubble

Invigorating locations

Where energy and ideas bubble

From the Salzkammergut to the green hills of the Innviertel and the Mühlviertel - here you will find inspiration and drive. And combine perfect conference conditions and professionalism with vitalisation and regeneration in one place. Time to recharge your batteries.

Ideas bubble up here

Convention Bureau Upper Austria

Free advice & support for event organisers.

What locations are there in Upper Austria? How many people can fit into the desired seminar room? What supporting or evening programme can I experience in a region?

Get free support in planning seminars, events, conferences, congresses and incentives from the Convention Bureau Upper Austria. We provide tailor-made ideas and recommendations for your events and supporting programmes.


We look forward to hearing from you!

About us
Conference catalouge

Inspiration Source

Conference catalouge

Inspiration Source

Browse through the freshly printed issue and get to know our 32 partner companies.

#IQ Upper Austria

4 reasons why Upper Austria is the perfect conference destination.

1. Upper Austria is diverse.

Whether in the city, on the water or in nature. In its diversity, Upper Austria is "Austria in concentrate".

2. Upper Austria is innovative

Upper Austria is a land of education and research, with its universities and universities of applied sciences offering more than 30 degree programmes.


3. Upper Austria is dynamic

Upper Austria is an export-orientated industrial province with technology-driven companies that are often world market leaders in their sectors.

4. Upper Austria is easy to reach

Upper Austria is located in the centre of Austria. It is quick and easy to get here via the international rail, road and air transport networks.


© Grafik: Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH: Verkehrsspinne von Oberösterreich
Verkehrsspinne von Oberösterreich

Upper Austria offers the perfect environment for conferences, congresses, seminars and events in a central location.