© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Schneeschuwandern im Mühlviertel in der Nähe von Bad Zell.

Gesundheitsregion Bad Hall

Bad Hall


Gesundheitsregion Bad Hall
Tourismusverband Bad Hall
Kurpromenade 1
4540 Bad Hall

Phone +43 7258 7200
Fax machine +43 7258 7200 - 20
E-Mail info@badhall.at
Web www.badhall.at

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immerse yourself - revive - enjoy

The tourism region of Bad Hall is simply the perfect place to relax, undertake gentle sports and enjoy cultural highlights. The proven iodine saline springs relieve stress, so why not take advantage of the range of health treatments offered in and around Bad Hall. Impaired vision can also be successfully treated.

The Bad Hall Spa Park with its shaded pathways and magnificent flowers is well loved. You can enjoy gentle walks here or use it as a starting point for hikes to places with unique views. Numerous cycle and pathways lead you to many great panoramic viewing points like the one in Waldneukirchen, and of course you can stop along the way for a bite to eat and something to drink along all routes.

What would enjoyment be without the appropriate cultural programme; Music lovers will be enchanted by our spa orchestra or operettas and operas being performed at the theatre of Bad Hall.
You should also visit the late baroque church in Pfarrkirchen and the parish church and the well-known pilgrimage site of Adlwang.