Double room with shower and toilet, in a peaceful location.
Blankets, Double bed, Simple furnishings, Heating
Double room with additional bed, shower and toilet, in a peaceful location.
Simple furnishings, Heating
Garden furniture, community garden, sledging
all season opened!
€ 2,40
585 m
Location description, , , at the outskirts of the village
Accessibility / arrivalBy car: Motorway A1 Westautobahn <> Salzburg Exit 207 Vorchdorf, leave roundabout in direction Pettenbach, Scharnstein, St. Konrad Motorway A9 Phyrnautobahn Passau <> Graz Exit 5 Ried im Traunkreis in direction Voitsdorf - Pettenbach, Scharnstein - St. Konrad Anbindung öffentliche Verkehrsmittel/Fahrplanauskunft:<iframe marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" Konrad Ort &format=mini&formziel=_blank" width="424px" height="150px" scrolling="Auto" frameborder="0"></iframe>
ParkingPlease get in touch for more information.
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Nussbaumerhof Bieregger Margit