The ice rink is three metres wide and winds its way between trees through the Parkbad park. It can be accessed directly on skates from the existing Parkbad outdoor ice rink. It then leads past the covered curling rinks directly into the park.
The half-kilometre-long track with gentle and steeper curves guarantees special skating fun for young and old. The three metre wide ice rink is bordered on both sides by a wooden safety barrier.Mon, Tue, Thu 2 pm-7 pm, Wed 8 am-7 pm, Fri 2 pm-9 pm, Sat, Sun and Hol 9 am-8 pm
Adults €5,60
Reduced €2,80
Children up to 6 years free admission
Children/pupils/students/apprentices (under 26 years) €2,80 (reduced €1,40)
Pensioners and civil servants, active pass holders €2,80
Seniors €4,10
Please get in touch for more information.