Experience the enchanting fairy tale scratch hike, discover nine special places between Vorderstoder and Hinterstoder, and then claim your reward – the Stodertaler plush gnome. Explore the stories about the SWUWIZ playground
in Vorderstoder, Steyrsbergerreith, Hutterer Höss, Schiederweiher, Baumschlagerreith, and other locations.
Many of the stations are worth a trip on their own and can be excellently combined with a family hike. Please note that this is not a circular route!
to the opening hours of the tourism office Hinterstoder.
You can get the fairy tale scratch book in the Hinterstoder and Vorderstoder information offices. From there you can start hiking.
Book Plush Toy tales scratch for the price of € 7,50
Please get in touch for more information.