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Pfarre Linz - St. Konrad

Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich
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Linz - St. Konrad: Well over 100 people are currently actively involved in parish life in the parish council, the specialist teams and working groups.

The parish church of St. Konrad is located on Linz's Froschberg in the Waldegg district of Upper Austria. The Roman Catholic parish church of St. Konrad belongs to the Linz-Mitte deanery in the diocese of Linz. The church is a listed building. 

Due to lively building activity on the Froschberg, the desire for a church was already expressed in the interwar period. In 1934, an emergency church was built at Kudlichstraße no. 21, which existed until the annexation of Austria in 1938. In 1941, the chaplaincy of St. Konrad was established in order to provide better pastoral care for the ever-growing population of Froschberg. In 1947, the church purchased the land on the Froschbergkrone, where the church is located today, from the city of Linz and built the St. Konrad's Chapel there in 1948 according to plans by Hans Feichtlbauer (now the parish hall). It was not possible to build a church immediately after the war for financial reasons.

The current church was built between 1959 and 1961 according to plans by cathedral master builder Gottfried Nobl and Othmar Kainz and consecrated in 1961. The altarpiece is by Franz Nagel, the bronze church portals and the statue of the church saint are by Peter Dimmel. Rudolf Kolbitsch designed the altarpiece in the weekday chapel and the stained glass window Golgotha above the main entrance. The glass altar, ambo and baptismal font were designed by Maria Moser in 2005, as was a stained glass window in the south corner on the theme of the Resurrection. There is also a Madonna and Child in the church, which is attributed to Thomas Schwanthaler. The organ was made by the Walcker-Mayer company.

  • open to the public

Accessibility / arrival

Linz Linien: 25 - Spallerhof, 103 - Lamprechtgang

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
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Please get in touch for more information.


Pfarre Linz - St. Konrad
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 27
4020 Linz

Phone +43 732 6572950
E-Mail pfarre.stkonrad.linz@dioezese-linz.at
Web www.dioezese-linz.at/linz-stkonrad

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