© Photo: Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH./Robert Maybach: Enjoy the view in Upper Austria
Enjoy the view in Upper Austria

Daniela Gruber

Frankenburg am Hausruck, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • All weather

My journey to my vocation began with my first pregnancy and months of hospitalisation. Our hearts were filled with one wish - a healthy child. But this journey began with a sad start to life, without an incubator and full of challenges.

My last pregnancy was a high-risk pregnancy due to my age and a shortened cervix, which was shortened due to an operation for a precancerous cervix. This diagnosis came as a shock to me. The memory of a previous miscarriage in the 16th week of pregnancy weighed heavily on my mind. When a woman has had such an experience, the fears remain deeply rooted in her soul and it is difficult to focus on her current happiness. But I managed to stay positive until another diagnosis came - placenta praevia totalis, the most severe form, where it seemed almost impossible that anything would change.

We were shocked and given a list of risks and rules. Nevertheless, I knew in my heart that I could change the situation. I pulled out my school records from my time at the Diploma School of Healthcare and Nursing and worked intensively on my medical knowledge. I deepened my anatomical knowledge down to the smallest detail in order to understand what was going on in my body. I studied the complex interrelationships and the possible effects of the diagnoses as if the life of a loved one was at stake - and in a way, it was.

My goal was to not just rely on the medical professionals, but to take an active role in my own recovery and the health of my unborn child. I wanted to understand what decisions needed to be made and what options were available to me. This intense examination of my medical knowledge was a turning point in my journey, and it strengthened my belief that I could positively influence the situation.

My experience of working on a gynaecology ward brought additional anxiety and raised my blood pressure. But I knew that I had to redirect my thoughts and energy to overcome these challenges.

I had check-ups every week and the placenta gradually pushed up so that we were out of danger. At least that's what we thought until another diagnosis came - a suture dehiscence from my first caesarean section, which would be life-threatening if I went into labour. I was told to stay close to a neonatal hospital at all times, as there was a risk of haemorrhaging, so bed rest and any exertion, including sexual intercourse, were essential. This required additional tension in several areas.

We had to prepare for a possible premature birth, which would have changed our daughter's life forever. I kept hearing this news from my doctor week after week.

I finally went into premature labour in the 27th week of pregnancy and was treated with tocolytics and magnesium. In the 29th week of pregnancy, I was told that my cervix was full and my womb was open. The baby had to be delivered immediately and I was taken by helicopter to another hospital.

Those 20 minutes in the air were characterised by an overwhelming mixture of fear and determination. As the world flew by below me, I remembered everything I had learnt, my self-healing powers and the unwavering strength of love I felt for my unborn child.

At that moment, I said to myself: 'Stop, I'm not going along with this'. I knew I couldn't just accept the situation. I remembered my energetic work, my mindset from my mental courses and the infinite love I had inside me. I knew that I could change the reality around me.

And so I began to focus mentally and energetically on anything that could help our little family. The helicopter ride was a rollercoaster of emotions, but in the midst of all the turbulence, I found an inner calm and strength that helped me overcome the challenges ahead.

This experience taught me that even in the worst moments of life, when everything is at stake, love and belief in change can have immense power."

"The weeks following lung maturation were characterised by an amazing transformation. It seemed as if the universe itself sensed that we were ready to receive our miracle. The doctors suddenly showed optimism and the news became brighter. My cervix had lengthened, the cervix was closed, and our baby had more time to grow and develop.

I realised that my thoughts and energy were a powerful force. In the midst of fears and insecurities, I had the ability to change my reality. I used all my knowledge, intuition and determination to create an aura of positivity that was transferred to my unborn child.

And then the impossible happened. The senior doctor explained that it would be possible to go home without further hospitalisation. We had managed to free ourselves from the danger that had been hovering over us. My cervix had grown back to 3cm and the fear began to dissipate.

The remaining weeks of my pregnancy were a gift. I could feel the anticipation of the birth and consciously prepare myself for the arrival of our baby. I immersed myself in the world of belly birth, using my knowledge and experience to harmonise body, mind and soul. This time was a blessing and I was able to dive deep into my femininity and unleash the primal forces of my nature.

This experience taught me how important it is to support women in special pregnancy situations. I have realised that there are few people who specialise in these issues and I feel called to accompany women on this unique journey.

In addition to my personal experience, I bring qualifications and experience in healthcare, nursing, bioenergetics and many other fields. I have over 10 years experience in nursing and am a qualified bioenergetic practitioner. I have completed numerous training courses and will continue to specialise in pregnancy and abdominal births.

My history and skills are at your disposal to offer you empathetic support during this special time. If you are in a high-risk pregnancy or are experiencing challenges during your pregnancy, don't hesitate to contact me. Let's celebrate the wonders of life together and make your journey into motherhood an unforgettable and empowering experience."

In my own high-risk pregnancy, I learnt how important it is to preserve the anticipation of birth and activate your self-healing powers. My story shows that change is possible, even in the most difficult moments of life. I offer holistic support and solutions to help women in this special phase to discover the primal forces of their femininity and make their pregnancy a positive and fulfilling experience.

Would you also like to turn your challenging pregnancy into a success story? Then register today for a free, no-obligation introductory session."

  • by arrangement

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • All weather
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for friends
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Daniela Gruber
Unterau 10
4871 Frankenburg am Hausruck

Phone +43 660 2020984
E-Mail office@bauchzeiterleben.at
Web www.bauchzeiterleben.at

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