© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Schneeschuwandern im Mühlviertel in der Nähe von Bad Zell.


Bad Ischl, Oberösterreich, Österreich

What is well-being for you?
What do you need to achieve well-being?

What can I contribute and BE for you so that you can feel a sense of well-being in your life again?
It may well be that there is a different way of looking at things so that the issues in your life can be cleared up and more fun, lightness and joy can come back into your life!
What is holding you back in your life so that you perceive the step of change as fear, anxiety, tightness and heaviness?
There is a lot of judgement and condemnation, a lot of pain that you and your body can endure, which unfortunately causes your body to be stored as "wrong".

Visit me on my homepage
huber-martina.com and find out more about my services

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Im Hopfgarten 11
4820 Bad Ischl

Phone +43 650 6690514
E-Mail officehubermartina@gmail.com
Web www.facebook.com/Wohlgef%C3%BChl-21…

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Contact person
Mrs Martina Huber

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