© Photo: Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH./Robert Maybach: Enjoy the view in Upper Austria
Enjoy the view in Upper Austria

Raed Box CrossFit Linz

Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • All weather

Raed Box offers high-quality CrossFit training for all fitness levels. CrossFit is a type of modern group circuit training. It's not only fun, but also gets you in shape after a short time.
We are not a gym! You won't find any treadmills or fitness equipment here. As you can see, this has nothing to do with the conventional fitness centres where you may have been training up to now.

What do we want for you?
Our goal is for you to be slim, athletic and defined. We will support you personally. And don't worry, both sexes are guaranteed to get their money's worth.

We deliver what we promise!

Where do we train?
CrossFit studios (also known as boxes) are often primitively furnished. We have made no compromises, neither with the equipment nor with the design of the studio.

Our box was designed in great detail by a young, successful architect and invites you to train in an appealing atmosphere.

We offer perfect conditions!

Who trains you in the Raed Box?
Our trainers are all experienced sportsmen and women who can not only look back on a corresponding sporting career, their training is also of the highest standard. That's why the training sessions are not randomly thrown together. Each training session is a self-contained piece that will meet your fitness needs. he trainers will support you at every stage.

We offer comprehensive support!

Who will you meet with us?
At the Raed Box, successful people of all levels train with one goal in common: to achieve their fitness goals and support each other in doing so.

That's why the USI of the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the SVA der gewerblichen Wirtschaft and the Upper Austrian state government already rely on our training.

We are successful together!

Then sign up for a free trial training session and we'll do the rest together
Closing day
  • Sunday
  • holiday
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • All weather
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for friends
  • Suitable for couples

Please get in touch for more information.


Raed Box CrossFit Linz
Friedhofstraße 4
4020 Linz

mobile +43 664 7932545
E-Mail office@raedbox.eu
Web www.raedbox.eu

Contact person
Mr Roland Kasmannhuber

We speak the following languages


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