1965born in schärding
1981 - 1983 technical college for commercial art in linz
1985 - 1986 masterclass in design - experimental design (university of applied arts in vienna)
1991 - 2001 masterclass in painting and graphics
(college of design in linz) diploma 2001
since 2001 working as a freelance artist
exhibitions / activities
1986international cultural centre
annagasse, vienna
1987summer academy freistadt
1995 abbey reichersberg
1998 seitenstetten abbey (masterclass)
1999 gallery kunststück, reichersberg
2002 schärding castle gallery, with andreas sagmeister
2003 kollmann gallery, vienna
2004 gallery kunststück, reichersberg
symposium "hüben und drüben" at the kubinhaus zwickledt
"innkunst", kulturmodell bräugasse, passau
2005gallery kunststück, reichersberg
presentation of the results of the symposium "hüben und drüben" in the st. anna chapel, passau
exhibition of the new members of the innviertler art guild
at the regional music school, ried/i.
2006winner of "young art 2006", st. anna chapel, passau
20072nd prize in the architectural competition for the marketplace centre in ried im innkreis
organisation of the exhibition "sculpture - figurative" at reichersberg abbey in collaboration with andreas sagmeister
exhibition at the district museum alsergrund, vienna
2009museum volkskundehaus, ried
organisation of the exhibition "sculpture - vegetative" at reichersberg abbey in collaboration with andreas sagmeister
"young art today" award winner 1996 - 2008, museum of modern art, passau
2010 "querschauen", group exhibition at the steyr art association
organisation of the exhibition "sculpture - concrete" at reichersberg abbey in collaboration with andreas sagmeister
design of a glass altar and ambo for the taiskirchen parish church
2011 "parallel" group exhibition in the liebenweinturm, burghausen
2012 "in process", with günther patoczka at the stelzhammermuseum culture centre in pramet
"zu-gefallen" - objects, small sculptures and material pictures, gallery in the 20-ger-haus in ried im innkreis
2013 "investigated concealment", solo exhibition at the castle
zell an der pram
"90 years of the innviertler art guild" anniversary exhibitions: museum volkskundehaus ried im innkreis
schärding castle gallery
city gate tower braunau
opening of the atelier_galerie freiraum in schärding
"graphics of the guild" kubinhaus zwickledt
"sculpture of the guild", herzogsburg braunau
"in haslach", haslach
"klein aber ho ho", christmas exhibition, gallery freiraum, schärding
2014 "eigen schafft" weber & söhne, atelier_galerie freiraum
Please get in touch for more information.