© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Schneeschuwandern im Mühlviertel in der Nähe von Bad Zell.

Beautification association

Schörfling am Attersee, Oberösterreich, Österreich

The beautification club under chairman Herbert Millinger and its members has made it his mission to preserve the traditions and preserved.

Today, the Beautification Association Schorfling has about 260 members.

The association is in charge of monuments, benches, stone crosses and parks. In addition, the Poinerhaus was purchased as an event house of Mrs. Anna Wiesinger. The Beautification Association is also the initiator of Gloeckler run and also responsible for the installation of Christmas lights.

From the club's history

beautification clubs:
The early tourism led to the creation of beautification clubs. In particular, the associations created walking trails and parks with benches, marked hiking trails and provided the signs. They operated the construction of bathhouses and other tourist facilities, and tried to remedy unreasonable conditions in urban areas. In many cases, they were also the initiators and organizers of festivals. Truly a reche range of tasks to which yet another major task was supplied to the clubs soon. They had to take care of the organization of tourism. This meant advertising, creation of tourist lists, correspondence and communication of summer homes.

Beautification Association:
The onset of tourism in the summer led to the formation of the places beautification clubs. Members' contributions and donations were used for tourist facilities. The Schörflinger Beautification Association was established by oral tradition in 1872. An addendum to the community in 1879 as the Chronicle's founding year.

The Beautification Association was founded, according to oral tradition, as well as the veterans association.

1888-40 th Jubilee
The 40th Jubilee Sr. K.K. Apostolic Majesty Emperor Franz Josef on 2 December 1888 had also found its expression in Schorfling. The local council donated for the planned hospital a fund of 1000 fl and Improvement Society under the Freeman Louis Kronberg was built to commemorate this day an obelisk with the following inscription:
Memory of the 40th anniversary of the reign of His Majesty the Emperor Franz Josef I on 2 December 1888
The Beautification Association received the highest approval to be able to identify the location of the distinctive viewpoint "Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Jubiläumsplatz".

1908 - Kaiserdenkmal
On 29 June 1908 took place in glorious weather, the "Emperor homage ceremony" took place. More than 2000 people had flocked to the market decorated with flags and garlands to attend the ceremony. After the service, the imposing procession was formed: above the Schörflinger school youth with the flags and the Lehrköfper, hereupon the veterans with the band, the fire departments of Schorfling and chamber, the municipal councils of Schorfling and Oberachmann, girls dressed in white, middle-class women with gold hoods and the ärarischen woodworkers and marched to the Franz Josef-Platz, where the chairman of the beautification association Franz deletion gave a speech. Then the monument was enlarged - the obelisk was placed on a base - revealed. A particularly poignant call to the message Emperor prologue, which ended in a prayer that spoke fourteen girls in costume for the monarch. This intimate expression of love for the emperor moved many to tears. District Captain Baron von Beulwitz directed the patriotic closing words to the assembled crowd. Then came the procession through the avenue of recently planted chamber and then back to the marketplace, where it disbanded.

Beautification Association
The township committee approved the Improvement Society for the manufacture of the Emperor Postamentes monument aid of 50 Kr

1910 - beautification clubs
In cooperation with the beautification of the clubs Attersee places that had great interest in trails for tourism purposes, more trails for tourists and summer visitors were referred in the following years.

1920 - Beautification Association
The pre-war committee of the beautification association called after five-year hiatus in 1920 to its new members to work for the community. The old / new committee were: Chairman Franz deletion, deputy Alois Nagl, secretary and treasurer Hausjell Karl Heinrich Nöhmer, Morawa Josef, Franz Josef Graf and Kreutzer as advisory boards.

History of Attersee am Attersee, market, parish and domination chamber
Hans Dickinger Attersee am Attersee
  • Parking space: 2
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Beautification association
Sickingerstraße 94
4861 Schörfling am Attersee

mobile +43 664 2224685
E-Mail millinger.herbert@gmail.com
Web attersee-attergau.salzkammergut.at

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Contact person
Mr Obmann Herbert Millinger
Sickingerstraße 94
4861 Schörfling am Attersee

mobile +43 664 2224685
E-Mail millinger.herbert@gmail.com
Web attersee-attergau.salzkammergut.at

Legal contact information

Sickingerstraße 94
AT-4861 Schörfling am Attersee

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