© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Schneeschuwandern im Mühlviertel in der Nähe von Bad Zell.

Schloss Ennsegg

Enns, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • All weather
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)

Guided tours for -> architecture enthusiasts available on request: www.tse-enns.at, info.enns@oberoesterreich.at, 07223 / 82 777

In the northern area of the town hill the 1st sovereign or ducal castle (stone building) was built around 1100. When this was equally dilapidated, the castle Ennsegg was built instead . 
The newly renovated castle with the castle park invites you to admire and relax. It was built in 1569/70 by the imperial councillor Dr Gienger and was extended in the 17th century by baroque additions.

After the Battle of Ebelsberg Napoleon was quartered in the castle. From there he observed the reconstruction of the destroyed Enns Bridge. Even today this view is called "Napoleon view".

Today, what many dream of has become reality - the wedding in the castle. Thus, wedding couples can not only say "I do" in a civil ceremony in the historic "Bilderzimmer", but also tie the knot in church in the castle chapel. In addition, beautiful rooms such as the "Georgenberg" hall, the "Auersperg" hall, the "Napoleon" hall or an old vault in the castle are available for subsequent celebrations.

as required

  • Can only be viewed from outside

Accessibility / arrival

From the main square, go down Mauthausner Straße and take the 1st or 2nd street on the right.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
Guided tour

A visit to the castle tower with the chapel is possible as part of a guided tour of the 3 towers!

Tourismus & Stadtmarketing GmbH, Hauptplatz 19, 4470 Enns, Tel.: 07223 / 82 777, info.enns@oberoesterreich.at

General price information

Castle tour:    3 € / person (min. 5 people), duration approx. 45 min.
3 towers tour: 6 € / person, duration approx. 1 hour

  • All weather
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Somewhat suitable for wheelchairs: Assistance is sometimes necessary. The measurements do not (fully) conform to the legally stipulated ÖNORM.

other information
  • Escort required


Schloss Ennsegg
4470 Enns

Phone +43 7223 82777
E-Mail info.enns@oberoesterreich.at
Web www.tse-enns.at
Web www.enns.at

Contact person
Mr Thomas Stadlbauer, Ansprechperson für Trauungen:
Hauptplatz 11
4470 Enns

Phone +43 7223 82181 - 156
E-Mail t.stadlbauer@enns.ooe.gv.at

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