© Photo: Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH./Robert Maybach: Enjoy the view in Upper Austria
Enjoy the view in Upper Austria

Castle Vogelsang

Steyr, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Built in 1877 by Josef Werndl as his home, in the style of a Scottish castle.
But Werndl never actually lived in it. Used as an exhibition hall for an Industrial and Electrical Exhibition 1884. After Werndl died, it was owned by his daugther Caroline - Baroness Imhof - who actually dwelled in this castle. In 1928, a Tyrolese Franciscan Order purchased it, turned it into a boarding school for boys and, for a short time, also ran a secondary modern school there.
Today there are privately owned flats in the castle.

  • Can only be viewed from outside

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
Other special suitabilities

sightseeing - Indoor viewing not possible, privately owned

Please get in touch for more information.


Castle Vogelsang
Preuenhueber Straße 14
4400 Steyr

Phone +43 7252 53229
Fax machine +43 7252 53229 - 15
E-Mail info@steyr-nationalpark.at
Web www.steyr-nationalpark.at

Contact person

Tourismusverband Steyr und die Nationalpark Region
4400 Steyr

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