Ludwig von Polheim built the water castle Lichtenegg in the middle of the 16th century. After 1613, it belonged to his grandchildren, Schallenberg, Kazianer and Seeau.
Imperial Count Georg Josef von Mannsdorf acquired the castle in 1722. After his death it was handed on to his daughter Maria Theresia, who was married to Josef Pilati von Tassul.
The Welser architect Wolfgang Grinzenberger is responsible for the present appearance of the castle, when he changed the looks in 1726. The former moat had been abandoned long before that. When Sissi’s daughter, Archduke Valerie, and her husband moved in the castle at the end of the 19th century, they modified it once more. Due to the restoration after the bomb damage of 1944 the castle’s appearance changed again.
Today the castle is an apartment building.
For further information, please contact: Magistrat der Stadt Wels, Stadtarchiv Maria-Theresia-Straße 33 4600 Wels +43 7242 235-7680
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