© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Schneeschuwandern im Mühlviertel in der Nähe von Bad Zell.

Wasserskischule Weyregg

Weyregg am Attersee, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Experience water sports in all their variety - be it water skiing, wakeboarding, water taxi or on a tyre. The Weyregg water ski school promises unforgettable fun for everyone!

Start your water sports experience directly from the jetty of the boat trip and enjoy an exciting ride over the turquoise waves of Lake Attersee or the magnificent panoramic view.

If you find the water ski school deserted, don't hesitate to contact our experienced boat driver, Mrs Wallner, on the mobile number +43 650 644 13 02!

Get inspired now and try out the 360° Perspectives Tour!

Open from mid-June to mid-September depending on the weather
Please check the actual opening times at wasserskischule@steinbacher.at

July / August:
Monday to Friday from 1:00 pm to sunset (weather permitting).
Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 pm to sunset

Accessibility / arrival

By car:
A1 motorway from Salzburg - exit Seewalchen - B152 to Weyregg

A1 motorway from Vienna/Linz - exit Schörfling - B152 to Weyregg

From the west:
Coming via Bad Ischl through the Weißenbachtal valley on the B152 via Steinbach to Weyregg
From Salzburg or Linz/Vienna to Attnang-Puchheim or Vöckabruck. Linz/Vienna to Attnang-Puchheim or Vöcklabruck and continue with bus no. 562 to Weyregg

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • water ski / wake board
General price information

Prices according to information on site!

  • Summer

Please get in touch for more information.


Wasserskischule Weyregg
Weyreggerstraße 75
4852 Weyregg am Attersee

Phone +43 5352 700
E-Mail wasserskischule@steinbacher.at
Web attersee-attergau.salzkammergut.at

You can also visit us on

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Contact person
Mrs Anna Jobst
Weyreggerstraße 75
4852 Weyregg am Attersee

Phone +43 5352 700 - 1101
E-Mail jobst.anna@steinbacher.at
Web attersee-attergau.salzkammergut.at

Legal contact information

Mag. Ute Steinbacher

We speak the following languages


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