© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Schneeschuwandern im Mühlviertel in der Nähe von Bad Zell.

GenussPabst Vöcklabruck

Vöcklabruck, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Local supply, catering & lunch - GenussPabst is all that and much more!
The approach of the young company in Vöcklabruck is to be a true local supplier. The idea is not to attract a large number of customers to GenussPabst, but rather to bring them to the customer thanks to the delivery service. It's much more sensible to bring one shop to 100 customers than 100 customers to one shop.

Fresh food - especially the best processed, regional meat products -, lunches and entire catering services are delivered directly to customers' doorsteps in the ever-growing pleasure zones.

And also at the OÖ. Gartenzeit Wolfsegg 2023, visitors can also enjoy GenussPabst products: The company will act as a festival caterer and serve food to visitors in the tent by the main stage.
As if that wasn't enough: In July 2023, GenussPabst will also take over the popular Vöcklabruck Irish pub "Village Hill".

The heart of GenussPabst, the Genusszentrale, is located in the middle of the Hausruckwald. Located directly on the B1 in Vöcklabruck, a modern, attractive and, above all, appropriate processing area for the highest quality foodstuffs has been created. The Genusszentrale is

Transparency is the most important thing for GenussPabst, so it is possible for customers to see the production facilities from the car park at any time to convince themselves of the hygiene standards. It is also possible to experience the finishing areas up close and can therefore be viewed at any time.


Clubs are an important part of our society and so is GenussPabst! As an event caterer, clubs can get everything from a single source, from refrigerated trailers to meat loaf ovens or sausage roasters to sliced schnitzels or frozen chips!

Closing day
  • Sunday
  • holiday
  • Pick up / takeaway
  • Catering
  • delivery
  • Own products
Local dishes
  • Austrian
Payment methods
Debit and credit cards
ATM card
Other payment methods
Cash payment
Advance payment
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


GenussPabst Vöcklabruck
Linzer Straße 65/2
4840 Vöcklabruck

Phone +43 7672 31760
E-Mail office@genusspabst.at
Web www.genusspabst.at

Contact person
Patrick Pabst

Legal contact information

GenussPabst GmbH
Linzer Straße 65/2
AT-4840 Vöcklabruck
UID: ATU78248905

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