© Foto Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach: Schneeschuwandern im Mühlviertel in der Nähe von Bad Zell.

Coco Bistrot Cafe Bar a Vin

Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • Vegetarian

Welcome to CoCo Linz, a place where everyone likes to be.

A Beaulieu where everything else becomes unimportant. French, uncomplicated bistro cuisine in Parisian chic. The glasses are filled with selected wines and distillates from the best regions in France. Let yourself be infected by the << JE NE SAIS QUOI >> and stop by the CoCo Bistrot Cafe Bar a Vin.

Mon-Sat 11 am-11 pm; Sun, Hol 11 am-8 pm

  • opened daily

  • Pick up / takeaway
  • Breakfast
  • Brunch
Kitchen hours

Mon-Sat 11 am-10 pm; Sun, Hol 11 am-7 pm

Food types
  • Vegetarian
Local dishes
  • French
Room information
  • Indoor: 60 Number of seats
Payment methods
Debit and credit cards
ATM card
Diners Club
Mobile and online
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Other payment methods
Cash payment
  • 1 fork / 82 Points
  • 3 coffee cups / 91 Points
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Coco Bistrot Cafe Bar a Vin
Herrenstraße 23
4020 Linz

Phone +43 732 787800
E-Mail salut@coco-linz.at
Web www.coco-linz.at/

Contact person
Mrs Corinna Hausleitner

We speak the following languages


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