The villa of operetta composer Franz Lehár on Lehár-Kai is well worth a visit.
Opening times:
DI - SO 10.00 - 17.00 (April - October)
The museum can only be visited with a guide. Group size maximum 15 people.
A visit to the Lehárvilla is only possible with a guided tour. Maximum number of guided tours is 15 people. Last guided tour at 4.00 pm. Special tours outside opening hours are available on request. (
Connections public transport/timetable information:
Stop: Bad Ischl Schröpferplatz
Journey planner:
Connections public transport/timetable information:<iframe marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" Ischl Schröpferplatz&format=mini&formziel=_blank&L=1" scrolling="Auto" width="424px" height="150px" frameborder="0"></iframe>
The villa can only be visited with a guided tour!
Admission for adults including guided tour: € 13.00
reduced adults: € 8,80
reduced pupils: € 2,20
Please get in touch for more information.